Billionaire balanced portfolio
Asset management

Ticker portfolia: MP-BBP20-AM

Basic information
Portfolio nature / Investment strategy and objective
Risk warning
Portfolio Type Stock
Structure Selection of top 30 U.S. stocks bought by major investors
Portfolio Manager Mercurius Pro, o. c. p., a. s.
Date of establishment 1/4/2020
Denomination USD
Minimum Deposit 25 000 USD
Investment horizon 3 years
Exit terms 1 month notice period

Stock monitoring, which is traded by leading American investors, provides guidance on how even the less experienced can participate in transactions in financial markets. This gives them a unique opportunity to participate in the investment strategies of the most experienced Wall Street trading players. These procedures provide a wealth of valuable data and inspiration for managed account managers.

Without an appropriately chosen mediator, the public would only be in difficulty with data on the shares of tycoons such as Warren Buffett and Carl Icahn. His interest usually ties the assets of companies to the brink of bankruptcy. He makes an admirable effort to re-evaluate their shares so that he can subsequently sell them at the highest possible price.

Each investor professes a different philosophy, valid for a particular investment plan. The Billionaire balance portfolio uses a combination of time-tested knowledge of these selected investors, and its appropriate mix allows smaller investors to value funds without the need to incur the extreme costs of obtaining and analysing the necessary annual reports.

Investment policy and objective

Professional analysts prefer quality at the expense of quantity. The additional and reliable tool of each financial institution is regular mandatory SEC (United States Securities and Exchange Commission) reports. Investors can draw valuable information from them about the ways in which the most successful billionaires in the United States invest.

Typically, the same 20-30 stock titles appear in their managed portfolios. On this assumption, we base the logic of the Billionaire balanced portfolio investment strategy.

The specific selection of assets is based on market capitalisation and performance stock criteria. For example, from the S&P 500 and leading U.S. companies, this combination is currently represented by Microsoft Corporation, The Macerich Company, Five Point Holdings, LLC, Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Bank of America Corporation, Citigroup Inc. Valmont Industries, Inc. and Macy's Inc. and others.

The floating ratio between individual titles is subject to regular quarterly adjustment. The default requirement is the performance of individual components. The ideal ratio of components in the portfolio is subject to the development of interest rates and market performance.

Investment strategy Dynamic
Risk factor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The aggregate risk indicator is an indicator of the comparison of the level of risk of this product compared to other instruments. It indicates the probability of losing an invested amount in a product due to market movements. We classified this product as 5 out of 7, which is the third highest risk class. This assesses potential performance losses in the future at a higher mid-level and is likely to have adverse market conditions affecting your investment.

In connection with the risk indicator, it is assumed that you will hold the product for 3 years.

This table shows possible scenarios for the development of an investment of $10,000

Scenarios 1 year2 years3 years
Stress scenario 8 9108 5808 262
Unfavourable scenario 9 6309 2738 930
Neutral scenario 10 34910 71111 085
Favourable scenario 10 69011 46612 278

This table shows how much money you could get back over the next five years in different scenarios, provided you invest $10,000. These scenarios suggest what results might result from your investment. You can compare them to other product scenarios. The scenarios presented represent an estimate of future performance based on historical and projected developments and do not constitute an exact indicator. How much money the investment will bring will vary, in particular, depending on what the development of the SP500 index will be and what the overall development on world markets will be. It will also be important whether you keep the amount invested for the entire intended period. The stress scenario shows the return under extreme market conditions and does not take into account a situation where the product maker will not be able to pay off your investment. These values do not include the costs of the product itself, in particular the entry and management fee, as well as the profit charge.

Trading is risky, and the value of the investment can grow and fall. Past revenues are not a guarantee of future returns. You can lose even more than your entire original deposit. Consider each of your transactions carefully first. Do not make any trades if you do not understand all the risks carefully. More information can be found on our website

Before deciding to invest in managed portfolios, a potential investor should pay attention to the key information document. The information provided in this report is of an informational nature only and is not intended to replace the key information document or provide a complete summary thereof.

The data on past rates and yields presented in this document cannot be considered to be an indicator of future developments. The value of the investment can both rise and fall over time and neither Mercurius Pro, o. c. p., a. s., nor anyone else can guarantee the return of the amount initially invested, nor can they assume any responsibility for the actions taken on the basis of the details in this document, nor for the accuracy and completeness of such data, and therefore they recommend that investors consult expert advisers regarding their investment intentions.

[billionaire_chart] [bbp_data_table_one]

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Trading is risky. You can lose even more than your entire original investment. Consider each of your transactions carefully first. Do not make any trades if you do not understand all the risks carefully. When using leveraged products, the risk increases extremely.

Mercurius Pro, o.c.p., a.s. conducts exchange trades through Interactive Brokers LLC, hereinafter referred to as IB, which is a registered securities trader, a member of the Futures Commission Merchant and Forex Dealer, regulated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the National Futures Association (NFA), and is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and several other self-regulatory organisations.

Mercurius Pro, o.c.p., a.s. is not the only approved broker, broker, third party financial adviser or hedge fund recommended by IB. IB provides Mercurius customers with clearing and execution services. None of the information contained on this site constitutes a recommendation, offer or solicitation to offer to buy, sell or hold any security, financial product or instrument or to implement any particular investment strategy. Neither IB nor Mercurius Pro o.c.p., a.s., represents or assumes any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on this website.

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